Rules and Regulations are the basis for the sound development of sectors who are subjected to supervision, which results in growth, innovation, suitability and accessibility while maintaining consumer interest as their priority.
In a free and competitive market where fair competition is a must between existing providers and new comers, you need a regulatory framework to ensure that the new comers and customers can reap the benefits of competition by getting affordable rates, quality of services and access to all services being provided by service providers in the existing networks.
We can offer a range of multi-sector advisory and support services including policy, legislation and legal framework services to the clientele that consist of government, regulators, providers of services, Utilities and businesses in the regulatory branch where existing rules and regulation define the scope of doing business.
The following market sectors mark the field of operations of the E Regulatory Consultancy B.V.:
- Telecommunication and ICT (fixed telephony, mobile telephony and long distance telephony);
- The Broadcasting sector (radio and television);
- Cyber Security and Internet;
- Transport;
- Aviation;
- Cable television companies;
- The postal sector;
- The electricity sector;
- The water sector;
- The fuel sector;
- E-gamming.
Regulatory services comprising the following:
Economic Regulation
- Price Regulation;
- Cost Modeling;
- Feasibility study;
- Business opportunities;
- Business cases;
- Market analysis;
- Impact analysis;
- Spectrum value;
- Interconnection tariffs;
- Pricing spectrum frequencies;
- Calculating licenses fees;
- Evaluating business and feasibility cases;
- Pricing of numbers;
- Rate scheme for numbers;
- Feed in Tariffs for renewable energy sources;
- Price regulation for airport tariffs;
Technological Regulation:
- Advise and Planning of Telecom and ICT networks;
- Advise and Planning of the electrical distribution networks;
- Advise and Planning of production fossil plans;
- Advise and Planning on renewable energy sources;
- Commissioning and quality measurements of Telecom and ICT networks;
- Executing inspection of electrical production and distribution networks;
- Support in developing of International Internet Access Networks;
- Advising on IP transit capacity and Internet exchange;
- Advising and measuring quality of broadband internet;
- Advising on the inspection of terminal equipment and type approval;
- Performing drive test and quality of service measurements;
- Developing inspection and approval forms;
- Determine non-revenue water losses and providing solution;
- Determine non-revenue electricity losses and providing solution;
- Advise and support in Implementation of technical requirements for distribute production renewable systems;
Spectrum Management:
- Advising on frequency policy, WARC recommendations and guidelines;
- Implementation of specific frequency policies and guidelines;
- Support in developing frequency site management tools and protocols;
- Advice in allocation of existing and new frequency spectrum;
- Advice in Farming and Re-Farming spectrum;
- Advising on assignment of specific frequency bands;
- Advise and implementation on deployment of specific frequencies;
- Support in monitoring of frequency bands;
- Advise and support in resolving complaints on radio spectrum interference;
- Advise and support in resolving complaints of issues regarding Electromagnetic interference (EMI), Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), Radio Frequency Immunity(RFI);
- Advising on the inspection of radio equipment;
- Advise in developing and support in implementing antenna site management and core locations procedures;
- Advise in antenna site and Co-location protocols;
- Advise in antenna tower management and inspection protocols;
- Advise on coordination of frequencies;
Legal Regulation:
- Advise and support in developing of strategic plans;
- Advise and support in developing of Policies and legislation;
- Advise in developing a Framework of Rules and Regulations;
- Advise and support of guidelines for price;
- Advise and support of licensing conditions;
- Advise and support of license application;
- Advise and support of technical inspection and approval;
- Advise and support of general conditions;
- Advise and support of MOU’s;
- Advise and support of Cooperation Agreements;
- Advising in interconnection disputes;
- Advise on new regulatory approaches;
Reorganization and Other Services for the Regulatory Body:
- Advising and Performing regulatory audits;
- Support in Implementing finding of the regulatory audits;
- Advising in Protection of internal IT systems for regulations;
- Conducting international coordination;
- Advising in Protection and safe guarding your internet against threats;
- Advise on cybersecurity protocols and Reorganizing CERT’s (Computer Emergency Response Teams);
- Provide personnel with regulatory training;
- Implement structure to comply with the regulatory requirements;
- Implementation of regulatory policies and guidelines within all organizations;
- Regulatory authority’s organizational and reorganizational matters: technical, personnel and legal issues;
Our advisory services contain basic principles of regulation that rule the specific market, the basic that we adhere to are; affordable rates for customers and service providers, reliable service, market orientation/competition, consumer interest and keeping in the existing framework given by the regulatory body.