Business Solutions

  • Develop Strategic Plans based on existing and new policies for a more efficient and sustainable operation;
  • Develop Business Plans, Organizational Plans, Feasibility Studies, Administrative and Financial Plans, Technical Plans, Legal Frameworks and Regulatory Compliance;
  • Develop Implementation Plans and Actions Plans under existing policies;
  • Assign an Implementation Manager to execute developed plans;
  • Evaluate and advise on the executability of the developed policies;
  • Restructuring regulatory organizations and converting them to an efficient and effective in the task they perform;
  • Organizing seminars and training workshops on specific issues organizational issues;
  • Advising private enterprises on dealings with regulatory requirements in their operations;
  • Advise and Develop processes for new regulatory approaches;
  • Advise and Develop the regulatory framework and the regulatory organization to comply with existing laws;
  • Advise in Selection, Acquire and Train personnel to establish a better functioning with regulatory environments;
  • Advise in customized organizational activities in your business: Administrative and Financial Plans, Function Description and Process, Technical and Legal Operating Frameworks;
  • Advising and Executing regulatory audits;
  • Perform Market, Impact and Sensitivity analysis for decision making.