In a free and competitive market where fair competition is a must between existing providers and new comers, you need a regulatory framework to ensure that the new comers and customers can reap the benefits of competition. The forces of supply and demand will lead to economical equilibrium at optimum prices when the competitive market is functioning properly. When competitive forces are insufficiently developed the free market mechanism may fail to facilitate the optimal equilibrium, it is necessary to intervene in these scenarios. It is then imperative that the regulatory should intervene to provide regulatory support needed to correct such market failures.
Our services:
- Advise in Nondiscriminatory Access to facilities and services;
- Advise in accounting separation for cost effective regulation;
- Provide support into developing cost-models;
- Provide and support into developing standards for Telecom, Internet and Utilities services;
- Develop interconnection regulations;
- Provide numbering regulations;
- Developing of national numbering plan for Telecommunication;
- Develop telecommunication rate structures for regulatory fees;
- Provide assistance into developing national spectrum policies and plans;
- Provide assistance in developing an effective re-farming plan for broadcasting and wireless access frequency spectrum;
- Providing assistance in calculating the value of the spectrum;
- Providing assistance in developing spectrum plans for accommodation of broadband, wireless and public telecommunication services;
- Support in investigation and resolution of technical interference;
- Assisting regulator in cost allocation models;
- Provide assistance in tower inspection and core location;
- Resolving interferences;
- Assist in developing specific form for frequency interference and complaints form for quality of service;
- Provide support into price regulations;
- Provide in technical regulations
- Provide support into legal regulations;
- Provide support into frequency monitoring programs on site and organizing and executing drive test for quality of service and coverage of mobile operators and broadcast providers;
- Providing assistance for regulatory support service for the Utility companies;
- Provide tariffs for calculating feed-in tariffs, base rate tariffs and fuel rates;
- Assisting into developing technical standards for distributed energy production (Solar and Wind);
- Providing assistance into developing KPI’s for service providers in all sectors;
- Reorganizing the internal organizational structure for an effective regulatory authority in dealing with the market;
- Providing support into developing procedures, norms, regulation and compliance programs for regulators.